Monday, October 12, 2009

In response to what is a "wiki"

A "wiki" is a really neat way to collaborate with a group of people. Visit this site and see exactly what it is.


  1. Well from what I'm seeing online and in general knowledge of 'wiki', we think of's a good website to get a basic knowledge of a topic, but the confusion is that people can go on there and change the info at random - there is no check and balance system for it's a good starting point, because it's written in layman terms mostly, and can lead you mentally thinking about different topics in ways you may not be expsoed to, if you were reading it from an encyclopedia text, etc.

    I have used wikipedia as a jumping point in college for many free write papers, term papers, and also a good way to interact, because you can usually respond to the author of many articles directly. :)
